New Human Culture
The world people live in now is a divided and opposing world. An individual-centric state of imbalance. The root cause of all this is extroversion, deviation from reality, limited by low-frequency contradictions and conflicts. Life can not be suitable, can not reach the real value and significance of human existence.
The greatest feature of the NEW HUMAN CULTURE: the oneness. The harmonious unity of man, nature and society, the unity of man's own spirit and physical. Harmonious balance, coexistence, symbiosis, mutual unconditional nourishment, support.
Dr. Pang always emphasizes the benefits in others not oneself, you must loose yourself in this oneness state. You benefit yourself at the same time you bring more benefits to others, that is the entirity.
The NEW HUMAN CULTURE pays more attention to the awakening of the inner true self and the achievement of the ultimate goal of mankind: FREEDOM.
Teacher Lu Zhengdao & Ling Ming want to be the bridge to guide more people towards the true path to get health, freedom and harmony.
With more than 25 years’ experience, Teachers Lu & Ling, from Dao Qi World have guided and helped more than 60,000 people in 21 countries. Their New Human Culture have caught the essence of ZhiNeng QiGong Science and promotes the understanding and retrieval of the True self and its own natural healing ability.
Awakening self-healing ability and other life potentials are the aims of Dao Qi World, which helps people understand the real connection between human beings, nature, society and the universe, thereby enhancing health and life quality.
Discover ZhiNeng QiGong Wonders
From the constant quest to be healthy to the great discovery of the TRUE SELF, the great science of Zhineng Qigong brings wonderful benefits to all its practitioners.

From the illness embrace the Dao, see your TRUE SELF and begin your recovery journey.
From physical body health, gradually develop mental health to reach a complete state of entire balance.
Anti-Aging effect
From this entirety state, naturally feel the anti-aging effect, your face will look younger and more radiant than an average person of the same age.
Good Quality Life
From the harmonious interior, relationships with family, environment, society and nature will naturally bring a good state of life.
From basic to higher level, always automatically transforming, people will naturally hold on the TRUE SELF, to see clearly, without fears and limitations.